Euphorbia flanaganii - Cacti and Succulents

Euphorbia flanaganii

Jellyfish Head Euphorbia, Medusa's Head, Medusahoved, Green Crown, Medusa Head

Origin and Habitat: Republic of South Africa, Eastern Cape: border to the former Transkei.

Description: Euphorbia flanaganii is a low, spineless, many-branched, succulent to 5 cm tall and 30 cm wide. It is commonly known as Medusa plant, because its prostrate, snake like arms resemble locks of hairs. The central stem merges into roots forming an tuberous body (often called a caudex) with branches radiating from it. If you look down into a large specimen you’ll see what looks like a sun flower; it’s another example of a Fibonacci spiral. A properly grown plant is a joy, especially when it is in flower, for then each snaky finger is covered with fragrant yellow flowers and the cluster is exquisite. The whole plant produce a caustic milky sap that can cause skin rash, itching and general discomfort.

Source: The Encyclopedia of Succulents

Once it reaches a certain size, a mother plant will produce pups on the ends of older arms. The growth starts as a swelling at the end of an arm, and rapidly grows its own caudex and arms. After a time, if they don’t root on their own, the arm shrivels and allows the pup to roll away, where it rapidly grows if given access to soil and water. If you’re not careful, you can end up with a whole greenhouse full of them.

Source: World of Succulents

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Genus: Euphorbia
Species: E. flanaganii

                         – Wikipedia.

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