Sempervivum arachnoideum
Cobweb Houseleek, Cobweb Hen and Chick
Aeonium decorum ‘Cooperi’
not sure about this one
Crassula lactea
Taylor’s Parches
Kalanchoe ‘Pink Butterflies’
Pink Mother of Thousands
Crassula ovata ‘Gollum’
Gollum Jade, Money Tree
Kalanchoe laetivirens
Mother of Thousands
Kalanchoe rotundifolia
Common Kalanchoe
Aeonium haworthii
Haworth’s aeonium, pinwheel
Crassula arborescens
Silver jade, Silver dollar plant.
Click on image to open post.
Graptopetalum sp.
Leatherpetal. Click on image to open post.
Crassula marnieriana
Crassula marnierana is a slow-growing small plant reaching a height of 15–20 cm. Native to South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland.
Sedum morganianum
Sedum morganianum – Donkey tail sedum
Sedum rubrotinctum
Sedum rubrotinctum – sedum pork and beans